HER-2 targeted immunonanoparticles for breast cancer chemotherapy

Ritu Dhankar, Parmender Rathee, Arvind K Jain, Sahil Arora, Murugesan Senthil Kumar, Goutam Rath, Ajit Kumar Saxena, P.R. Sharma, Gousia Chashoo, Amit K. Goyal

Pages: 132-139

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Knowledge and Awareness of breast cancer among university female students in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman- A pilot study

Reem Musallam Al Junaibi, Shah Alam Khan

Pages: 146-149

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In Vitro Evaluation of the Anticancer Effect of Methanolic Extract of Alstonia scholaris Leaves on Mammary Carcinoma

Surya Surendren P., Jayanthi G, Smitha K.R

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2012.2526Pages: 142-149

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Nanocarrier-Based Drugs: The Future Promise for Treatment of Breast Cancer

Yieldez Bassiouni, Laila Faddah

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2012.2530Pages: 225-232

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Management of Pain in Cancer Patients at a South Indian Hospital

Sivanandy Palanisamy, Lakshmi S Nair, Shahid Hassan, Gurusamy Moorthy Sivakumar and Arunachalam Sumathy

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2013.30123Pages: 117-121

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A Rare Case of Tamoxifen-Induced Thrombocytopenia

Anurag Pathak, Sushil Kiran Kunder, A Avinash, Navin Patil, N Karthik Rao

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2016.600125Pages: 156-157

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Study of quality of life and characteristic factors in women with breast cancer undergoing different types of therapy

Redhwan A. Al-Naggar, Muhamed T Osman, Nameer Al-Baghdadi

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2016.60922Pages: 147-152

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Annona muricata Leaves Extract Reduce Proliferative Indexes and Improve Histological Changes in Rat’s Breast Cancer

Evy Sulistyoningrum, Eka Prasasti Nur Rachmani, Hanif Nasiatul Baroroh, Lantip Rujito

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2017.70120Pages: 149-155

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Awareness and Perception of Breast Cancer among the Future Healthcare Providers of Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates

Syed Arman Rabbani, Hala Mutasem, Ranin Abdul Naser, Yousra Hussein

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2017.70219Pages: 142-146

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Protective effect of 3, 3′-Diindolylmethane encapsulated chitosan nanoparticles prop up with lipid metabolism and biotransformation enzymes against possible mammary cancer

Stainsloss Isabella, Sankaran Mirunalini

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2017.70331Pages: 194-201

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Arthralgia- the principal side effect in Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Aromatase Inhibitors and its management

Kotturu Saroja, V. Mohan Ram

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2017.70519Pages: 111-114

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Effect of Family Income on Knowledge, Attitude and Practices Regarding Breast Cancer and its Screening Methods Amongst Women of Lahore, Pakistan

Ayesha Rizwan, Zikria Saleem, Saleha Sadeeqa

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2017.70805Pages: 028-033

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Design, synthesis, molecular docking and cytotoxicity evaluation of some novel 5-arylidene-3-(substituted phenyl)-2-(p-tolylamino)-4-imidazolones

Ahmed I. Khodair, Mostafa M. Elbadawi, Mohammed T. Elsaady, Khaled R. A. Abdellatif

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2017.70908Pages: 058-068

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Induction of Apoptosis and Phase-Cell Cycle Inhibition of G0-G1, S, G2-M of T47D Breast Cancer Cells on Treatment with Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Jackfruit Parasite Leaves (Macrosolen cochinensis)

Roihatul Mutiah, Christyaji Indradmojo, Hardiyanti Helda Dwi, Tias Pramesti Griana, Anik Listyana, Ria Ramdhani

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2017.71020Pages: 138-143

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6-shogaol from ginger oleoresin loaded liposomes using DMPG-Na as a carrier enhances the in-vitro and in-vivo anticancer activity

Kiran Kemkar, Sathiyanarayanan L., Arulmozhi Sathiyanarayanan, Kakasaheb Mahadik

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2018.8201Pages: 001-010

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Computational Model of Doxorubicin Conjugate with Docosahexaenoic Acid and Integrin αvβ3 Ligand for Anticancer

Ace T. Hidayat, Muhammad Yusuf, Husein H. Bachti, Ajeng Diantini, Achmad Zainuddin

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2018.8401Pages: 001-006

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In silico predictive for modification of chalcone with pyrazole derivatives as a novel therapeutic compound for targeted breast cancer treatment

Riska Prasetiawati, Adel Zamri, Melisa Intan Barliana, Muchtaridi Muchtaridi

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2019.90203Pages: 020-028

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Cytotoxic effect of transdermal invasomal anastrozole gel on MCF-7 breast cancer cell line

K. Vidya, P. K. Lakshmi

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2019.90308Pages: 050-058

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Anticancer drugs utilization for initiation phase of breast and cervical cancers chemotherapies in a Nigerian tertiary hospital

Maxwell Ogochukwu Adibe, Deborah Oyine Aluh, Hadiza Usman Ma’aji

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2019.90316Pages: 111-116

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Chemotherapeutic effect of Ulmus pumila leaves methanolic extract against N-methyl-N-nitrosourea-induced mammary carcinoma in female rats: An in vitro and in vivo study

Amal G. Hussien, Ibrahim H. Borai, Mahmoud M. Said, Khaled Mahmoud, Mamdouh M. Ali

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2019.91209Pages: 057-068

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Antiproliferation activity of God’s crown fruit (Phaleria macrocarpa) extract and fractions against MCM-B2 breast cancer cells

Hasim Hasim, Silvi Octavia Kurniawati, Bambang Pontjo Priosoeryanto, Didah Nur Faridah, Ratna Puspita

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2020.103006Pages: 052-058

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Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel substituted pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidines as anticancer agents

Sandip P. Dholakia, Kaushik B. Kanada, Ghanshyam R. Parmar

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2020.10602Pages: 006-011

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Identification of potential gene associated with berberine in overcoming tamoxifen resistance by functional network analysis

Adam Hermawan, Herwandhani Putri

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2020.10702Pages: 009-018

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Genistein enhances cytotoxic and antimigratory activities of doxorubicin on 4T1 breast cancer cells through cell cycle arrest and ROS generation

Muthi Ikawati, Riris Istighfari Jenie, Rohmad Yudi Utomo, Nur Dina Amalina, Gagas Pradani Nur Ilmawati, Masashi Kawaichi, Edy Meiyanto

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2020.1010011Pages: 095-104

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Cytotoxicity and chromatographic analysis of Dioon spinulosum, family Zamiaceae

Marwa Elghondakly, Abeer Moawad, Mona Hetta

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2020.101210Pages: 075-082

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Factors associated with disease progression among hormone receptor-positive breast cancer patients treated with endocrine therapy: A 5-year cross-sectional, retrospective follow-up study

Nurul Sahida Rani, Mohd Shahezwan Abd Wahab, Hanis Hanum Zulkifly, Siti Hartinie Mohamad

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2021.110107Pages: 072-077

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A comprehensive review on neurokinin-1 receptor antagonism in breast cancer

Mutukuru Mayuri, Thangavel Mahalingam Vijayakumar

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2021.110502Pages: 009-014

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Immunoinformatics studies and design of breast cancer multiepitope peptide vaccines: Diversity analysis approach

Fadilah Fadilah, Linda Erlina, Rafika Indah Paramita, Khaerunissa Anbar Istiadi

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2021.110604Pages: 035-045

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Prevalence and associated factors of fatigue among breast cancer patients in Malaysia—A prospective study

Fares M. S. Muthanna, Muhammad Shahid Iqbal, Mahmathi Karuppannan, Egbal Abdulrahman, Najmee Adulyarat, Mokhtar AbdHafiz AbdAlhamid Al-Ghorafi, Humam Shaaban Barhoum

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2022.121014Pages: 131-139

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Degalactotigonin induces cytotoxicity and cell cycle arrest in triple negative breast cancer cells (MDA MB 231)

D. Hamsa, K. Swathi, Sri Renukadevi Balusamy, S. Sumathi

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2022.121117Pages: 157-168

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Updates on the roles of epigenetics in the mechanism, diagnosis, and treatment of triple-negative breast cancer: A review

Eko Fuji Ariyanto, Abdan Syakura Danil, Rima Destya Triatin, Salsabila Ariefani

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2023.93439Pages: 016-023

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Study of breast cancer products’ lifecycle for mapping regulatory challenges

Medha A. Bijapur, Pradeep M. Muragundi, Bhavana Bhat, Virendra S. Ligade

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2023.166407Pages: 297-304

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Assessments of anti-breast cancer activity and profiling of active compounds using LC-MS/MS from the Indonesian Agelas nakamurai

Tutik Murniasih, Tri Aryono Hadi, Peni Ahmadi, Martha Sari, Bustanussalam Bustanussalam, Yuni Elsa Hadisaputri, Masteria Yunovilsa Putra, Siti Irma Rahmawati, Dwi Wahyu Indriani

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2024.158982Pages:

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In-silico design, synthesis and biological evaluation of 4-aryl-4H-chromene derivatives as CDK-2 inhibitors: A molecular approach to finding a lead for breast cancer

Sk Md Sohail Amin, Prajakta Harish Patil, Mrunal Desai, Jagadish Puralae Channabasavaiah

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2024.155052Pages: 098-111

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The effect of BRCA1/2 mutation on breast cancer and its impact on PARP inhibitor treatments: Differential expression genes approach

Rafika Indah Paramita, Sonar Soni Panigoro, Septelia Inawati Wanandi, Fadilah Fadilah

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2024.173495Pages: 131-141

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Production and biological properties of nano porous glass microparticles for anticancer drug carrier

Emre Burak Ertus, Elif Gulbahce-Mutlu, Serife Alpa, Abdullah Ozturk

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2024.168308Pages: 120-127

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Anti-diabetic and anti-breast cancer effect of bioactive compounds-enriched fractions isolated from hemp (Cannabis sativa L. subsp.)

Thanakorn Damsud, Apiradee Pothipongsa, Chalermpong Saenjum, Jirapast Sichaem

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2024.657585Pages: 042-049

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