Research Article | Volume : 2 Issue : 5, May 2012

In Vitro Evaluation of the Anticancer Effect of Methanolic Extract of Alstonia scholaris Leaves on Mammary Carcinoma

Surya Surendren P. Jayanthi G Smitha K.R   

Open Access    DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2012.2526


Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer associated death among women worldwide. Current cancer treatments include chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery. However, since these conventional methods often have undesirable side effects,new focus towards the use of plant extract to treating cancer with eliminating the side effects. The objective of present study is to asses the anticancer effect of leaves of Alstonia scholaris, using the cytosolic marker enzymes like Aspartate transaminase (AST),Acid phosphatase(ACP) , Alkaline phosphatase(ALP), Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), Gamma - glutamyl transferase(γ– GT), and 5'-nuclcotidase(5'-NT) in vitro over breast cancer tissue. These are key enzymes in the metabolic pathways and these are the target for the drugs used in chemotherapy. An elevated level of enzyme concentration signals the presence of malignancy .The effect of leaves of Alstonia scholaris is also assessed by studying the effect of non-enzymatic antioxidants like vitamin A, E, C in vitro over breast cancer tissue. The present study revealed the leaves of methanolic extracts of Alstonia scholaris on cancer cells/tumor cells in vitro has been justified by its cytotoxic effect and anti proliferative effect.

Keyword:     Alstonia scholaris Breast cancer antiproliferative effect cytosolic marker enzymes non-enzymatic antioxidants

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