Multiparticulate approach: an emerging trend in colon specific drug delivery for Chronotherapy
Parul B. Patel, Avinash S. Dhake
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Controlled Drug Delivery Approaches for Rheumatoid Arthritis
Amandeep Kaur, S.L. Harikumar
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Acute Toxicity and Suppressive Effects of a Curcumin Analogue Gamavuton-0 (Gvt-0) On CFA-Induced Arthritis in rats
Zullies Ikawati, Nunung Yuniarti, Supardjan Amir Margono
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Vascular permeability and Evans blue dye: a physiological and pharmacological approach
Ramesh B. Nidavani, Mahalakshmi AM, Mallappa Shalawadi
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Evaluation of in-vivo antiarthritic potential of methanolic extract of Costus speciosus rhizome
Chandra Kala, Syed Salman Ali, Mohd. Abid, U S Sharma, Najam Ali Khan
DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2015.50808Pages: 046-053
Triterpenoid fraction isolated from Euphorbia tirucalli Linn. ameliorates collagen induced arthritis in Wistar rats
Pramod Chandrasenan, M. V. Neethu, V. M. Anjumol, Vysakh Anandan, Raj Selvaraj
DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2016.600112Pages: 070-075
Evaluation of Cardiospermum halicacabum leaf compounds against human DihydroOrotate Dehydrogenase: a target for Rheumatoid Arthritis using Structure based Drug Designing
Priya Swaminathan, Lilly Saleena
DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2017.70808Pages: 048-061
The role of Th1/Th2/Th17 cytokines and antioxidant defense system in mediating the effects of lemon and grapefruit peel hydroethanolic extracts on adjuvant-induced arthritis in rats
Osama M. Ahmed, Mohamed B. Ashour, Hanaa I. Fahim, Noha A. Ahmed
DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2018.81010Pages: 069-081
Synovium Targeting Delivery of TNFα Blocker for Rheumatoid Arthritis Therapy - A Mini Review
Riyona Desvy Pratiwi, Muhammad Novrizal Abdi Sahid
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Injectable in situ gel of methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis: Development, in vitro and in vivo evaluation
Tanmoy Das, Venkatesh Madhugiri Prakash, Pramod Kumar Teggin Math
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Influence of Bacopa monnieri in suppressing the arthritis induced by MSU crystal in Wistar albino female rats: Through biochemical and histopathological approach
Jerine Peter Simon, Prajakta Subhash Gaopande, Swathika Praveen, Arjun Ajikumar Reeja, Abinaya Rajasekar, Radhakrishnan Vidya, Usha Kumari, Evan Prince Sabina
DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2019.91003Pages: 017-023
Pulsatile drug delivery system — an innovative method to treat chronotherapeutic diseases by synchronizing drug delivery with circadian rhythm
V. Anusha, M. S. Umashankar, Y. Ganesh Kumar
DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2023.125025Pages: 066-078