Attenuation of Neuronal Damage by Gymnemic acid in Experimentally Induced Cerebral Ischemia in Rats
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Ameliorative effect of Amaranthus tricolor L. leaves on scopolamine-induced cognitive dysfunction and oxidative stress in rats
Vrushabh B. Hupparage, Vijaykumar P. Rasal, Vishal S. Patil, Priyanka P. Patil, Shubham G. Mulange, Ajay P. Malgi, Sathgowda A. Patil, Ashwini R. Karade
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Evaluation on antioxidative and neuroprotective activity of bacoside- A, Asiatic acid and kaempferol in endothelin-1 induced cerebral ischemia in rat
Ashutosh Ghosh, Nasima Khanam, Debjani Nath
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Oxalis corniculata and Ficus religiosa mitigates rotenone-induced Parkinson’s disease in Swiss Albino mice: Mechanistic insights and therapeutic potential
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Neuroprotective effects of γ-Aminobutyric acid-enriched germinated riceberry extract in cerebral ischemic reperfusion-induced cognitive impairment mice
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