Research Article | Volume: 6, Issue: 2, February, 2016

Impact of different pre-treatment strategies on the quality of fatty acid composition, tocols content & metabolic syndrome related activities of Perilla frutescens seed oil

Sasithorn Sirilun Bhagavathi Sundaram Sivamaruthi Noppawat Pengkumsri Manee Saelee Khontaros Chaiyasut Nucharee Tuntisuwanno Maitree Suttajit Sartjin Peerajan Chaiyavat Chaiyasut   

Open Access   

Published:  Feb 27, 2016

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2016.60201

Perilla frutescens (Nga-Mon) is an annual herbaceous plant, reported for its antioxidant, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties. The current study was conducted to compare the different pre-treatment techniques followed by hexane extraction for perilla seed oil and its pharmaceutical values. There are no significant differences in the yield of seed oil after pre-treatments except sonication. All the pre-treatments diminish the endogenous lipase activity, peroxidation and degradation of the oil. Fatty acid content analysis revealed that the nutrient quality, with respect to fatty acid content, of perilla seed was not compromised with any of the pre-treatments of current study. The results of α- amylase, α- glucosidase and protein glycation inhibition assays suggested that tested perilla seed oils are pharmaceutical candidate for the treatment of carbohydrate related diseases, especially for diabetes. Selection of appropriate pre-treatment strategies will helps to extract the perilla seed oil without any compromise in its quality. The current study suggested that moist heat with pressure can be an appropriate pre-treatment method for perilla seed oil extraction.

Keyword:     Perilla frutescensPre-treatmentlipaseTocolsMetabolic syndrome.


Sirilun S, Sivamaruthi BS, Pengkumsri N, Saelee M, Chaiyasut K, Tuntisuwanno N, Suttajit M, Peerajan S, Chaiyasut C. Impact of different pre-treatment strategies on the quality of fatty acid composition, tocols content and metabolic syndrome related activities of Perilla frutescens seed oil. J App Pharm Sci, 2016; 6 (02): 001-008.

Copyright:The Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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