Antibacterial activity of the major compound of an endophytic fungus isolated from Garcinia preussii

Jean-Bosco Jouda, Judith-Laure Demgne Fopossi, Céline Djama Mbazoa, Jean Wandji

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2016.60605Pages: 026-029

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Optimization of Physico-Chemical Parameters for Hyper Keratinase Production from a Newly Isolated Aspergillus sp. DHE7 using Chicken Feather as Substrate- Management of Biowaste

Dina Helmy El-Ghonemy, Thanaa Hamed Ali

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2017.70923Pages: 171-178

Graphical Abstract

Antibacterial activity of ethyl acetate extract of symbiont fungus Aspergillus sp. in the sponge Rhabdastrella sp. from Gili Layar Island, Lombok, Indonesia

Mahfur Mahfur, Arina Kamila, Jihan Fatin Abidah, Putu Oka Samirana, Baso Didik Hikmawan, Diah Pratimasari

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2023.146303Pages: 144-151

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