Application of HPLC and response surface methodology for simultaneous determination of curcumin and desmethoxy curcumin in Curcuma syrup formulation

Niken K. Prabaningdyah, Sugeng Riyanto, Abdul Rohman, Chairany Siregar

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2017.71207Pages: 058-064

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Optimization of favipiravir microsponges for pulmonary drug delivery

Priyarini Kothamasi, Vaishnavi Bandari, Khairnar Soham Babasaheb, Bhashpitha Naredla, Naseeb Basha Shaik, Prasanthi Domaraju

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2025.206181Pages: 112-121

Graphical Abstract

Development of tablet formulations containing genistein solid dispersion optimized using Box-Behnken design for enhanced solubility

Suranate Phanapithakkun, Gorawit Yusakul, Chanakan Sitthisak, Thipapun Plyduang

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2025.222224Pages:

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