Research Article | Volume : 2 Issue : 1, January 2012

Pharmacological Study of a Siddha Holistic Herb Sivakaranthai - Sphaeranthus Amaranthoides Burm for Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory activities

V. Thanigavelan V.Lakshmanakumar V.Kaliyamurthi M. Pitchiah Kumar G. Victor Rajamanickam   

Open Access   


Sphaeranthus amaranthoides Burm belonging to the family Asteraceae is a rejuvenator herb of Siddha system having Tamil name ‘Sivakaranthai’. The present studies deals with a detailed pharmacological including pharmacognostical study particularly on leaf and infloresence of Sphaeranthus amaranthoides. The morphological characters of leaf and inflorescence observed by double staining. It revealed the stomatal index of lower surface with 42-48 and upper surface with 30-36/mm2 and presence of leaf resin canals. Inflorescences are cone shaped and its axis is siphonate. Sivakaranthai leaf powder (SLP) subjected to quality control test and by phytoconstituents estimation, appreciable presence of calcium, ferrous, tannin, proteins and phenols known. The results of elemental concentration level indicated the presence of toxic metals within the tolerance level. In vitro antibacterial activity evaluation confirmed the good anti-microbial activity at the dilution of 50 μl/disc against bacterial strain such as Streptococcus mutans, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherchia coli Klebsiella pneumonia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Rats found safe up to a maximum dose of 2000mg/kg body weight in acute toxicity study following OECD 423 guidelines. The analgesic and anti-inflammation activities evaluation were done by tail flick hot water immersion method and by Carrageenan induced acute hind paw oedema method on Wistar albino rats, respectively. The SLP has shown very weak analgesic and moderate antiinflammatory action rather than standard Indomethacin and no adverse effects produced. In the light of above results, it concluded that Sphaeranthus amaranthoides might use in any suitable formulation in which anti-microbial property and micronutrients needed.

Keyword:     Sphaeranthus amaranthoides pharmacognosy phytoconstituents anti-bacterial acute toxicity analgesic anti-inflammation.

Copyright:The Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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