Potential role of Nutraceuticals In Present Scenerio: A Review
Rahul dev, Sunil kumar, Jagbir singh, Bhupendra chauhan
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Prophylactic therapy use to cure patients suffer from depression: a holistic approach for health benefit
Pankaj Nainwal, Deepak Nanda, Karan Dhamija
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An overview of the Herbs in a Siddha Polyherbal decoction-Pidangunaari Kudineer indicated for Hepatomegaly
V. Thanigavelan, V.Kaliyamurthi, M. Pitchiah Kumar, S. Elansekaran, G. Victor Rajamanickam
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Anti-Arthritic and Anti-Inflammatory Constituents from Medicinal Plants
Murugananthan G., Sudheer Kumar G., Sathya Chethan P., and Mohan S
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Ulam herbs: A review on the medicinal properties of Anacardium occidentale and Barringtonia racemosa
Eric Wei Chiang Chan, Shigeyuki Baba, Hung Tuck Chan, Mami Kainuma, Tomomi Inoue, Siu Kuin Wong
DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2017.70235Pages: 241-247
Docking studies of biologically active substances from plant extracts with anticonvulsant activity
Yuliya S. Prokopenko, Lina O. Perekhoda, Victoriya A. Georgiyants
DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2019.90110Pages: 066-072
Effects of short-term psyllium husk and selected mixed herbal supplementation on health indicators in healthy male subjects
Ong Pui Wen, Noor Salihah Zakaria, Khairil Shazmin Kamarudin, Asma’ Ali, Hayati Mohd Yusof
DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2021.120212Pages: 126-132
Neuroprotective activity of Indonesian traditional herbal medicine: A systematic review
Mangestuti Agil, Idha Kusumawati, Faisal Akhmal Muslikh, Burhan Ma’arif
DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2023.93645Pages: 014-030
Traditional Thai herbal medicine for treating COVID-19
Phayong Thepaksorn, Katanchalee Thabsri, Piyachat Evelyn Denbaes, Suwannee Sroisong, Pussadee Srathong, Suriyan Sukati
DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2023.126979Pages: 032-039
Supplementation of psyllium husk and selected herb mixture improves cardiovascular disease risk factors in female adults
Hayati Mohd Yusof, Yi Wen Liew, Asma Ali, Noor Salihah Zakaria
DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2023.108837Pages: 161-169