Unravelling the potentialities of tocilizumab for the development of a potential immunotherapeutic regimen against COVID-19—A narrative review

Manish Dhawan, Kuldeep Dhama, Manisha Parmar, Alisha Sharma, Steffy Angural

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2021.1101104Pages: 026–033

Graphical Abstract

Immunomodulatory potential of bioactive compounds of betel leaf extract targeting COVID-19 immunological human host proteins: An in silico study

Fatimawali, Marko Jeremia Kalalo, Siboantua Broolin Simanjuntak, Tri Andira Hebber, Billy Johnson Kepel, Trina Ekawati Tallei

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2021.120208Pages: 075-088

Graphical Abstract