Screening of the UV absorption capacity, proximal and chemical characterization of extracts, and polysaccharide fractions of the Gracilariopsis tenuifrons cultivated in Colombia

Yessica Monsalve-Bustamante, Stefanie Rincón-Valencia, Juan Mejía-Giraldo, Diego Moreno-Tirado, Miguel Puertas-Mejía

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2019.91014Pages: 103-109

Graphical Abstract

Chemical diversity and therapeutic potentialities of seaweeds and marine sponges collected from the Red Sea: An update

Sally El Said Abo Halawa Abdelrahman, Mosad A. Ghareeb, Engy Mohsen, Ahmed A. Hamed, Seham El Hawary

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2023.128836Pages: 031-044

Graphical Abstract