Effect of Excipients on Oxcarbazepine Release from Modified Release Matrix Tablets

Buchi N. Nalluri, S. Vidyasagar, K. M. Maheswari

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2012.2826Pages: 150-158

Graphical Abstract

A review of the cosmetic use and potentially therapeutic importance of hyaluronic acid

Lidia K. Al-Halaseh, Nariman A. Al-Jawabri, Shahed K. Tarawneh, Wasan K. Al-Qdah, Maha N. Abu-Hajleh, Ali M. Al-Samydai, Mai A. Ahmed

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2022.120703Pages: 034-041

Graphical Abstract