Sexuality, HIV and Drug use among University Students
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Educational Environment in a Multicultural Society to Meet the Challenges of Diversity
Abdus Salam, Ashfaq Akram, Siti Mariam Bujang, Mohamad Nurman Yaman, Mohammad Arif Kamarudin, Harlina Halizah Siraj, Nabishah Mohamad
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A descriptive cross-sectional study to evaluate the Generic Drug User Fee Act: A boon or loss to the Indian generic pharmaceutical industry
Sarika Prasanna Pardhe
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Medicinal plants and their validation challenges in traditional Egyptian medicine
Heba M. Amer, Ayman A. Mohammad
DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2022.120303Pages: 023–033
Study of breast cancer products’ lifecycle for mapping regulatory challenges
Medha A. Bijapur, Pradeep M. Muragundi, Bhavana Bhat, Virendra S. Ligade
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