Antidiarrhoeal activity of Aristolochia argentina Gris. (Aristolochiaceae) in rodents
Jésica D. Paredes, Ángela Sosa, María Fusco, Mauricio R. Teves, Graciela H. Wendel, Lilian E. Pelzer
DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2016.60223Pages: 146-152
Evaluation of the anti-diarrheal activity of methanol extract and its fractions of Urena sinuata L. (Borss) leaves
Mir Muhammad Nasir Uddin1 , Sumyya Zahan, Md. Ashiqul Islam, Shahriar Ahmed, Tajbiha-E-Mowla, Mohammad Sofiqur Rahman, Ramiz Ahmed Sultan, Talha Bin Emran
DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2016.601208Pages: 056-060
Behavioral profile and gastrointestinal evaluation of the hydro-alcoholic extract of Sida rhombifolia L. (typychá hû) in mice
O. Y. Heinichen, M. C. Hellión-Ibarrola, Y. Montalbetti, A. M. Velázquez, J. H. Dölz-Vargas2 , D. A. Ibarrola
DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2017.70703Pages: 021-029