Evaluation of anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects on the extracts of different parts of Excoecaria agallocha L.

M. Babuselvam, S. Ravikumar, K.A Mohamed Farook, S. Abideen, M. Peer Mohamed and M. Uthiraselvam

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2012.2921Pages: 108-112

Graphical Abstract

Milky Mangrove Excoecaria agallocha L. Plant as a source for potential mosquito larvicides

P. Pradeepa, K.Subalakshmi, A. Saranya, P. Dinesh, Vinoth Arul Raj, T. Ramanathan

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2015.50317Pages: 102-105

Graphical Abstract