Journal of Applied
Pharmaceutical Science

ISSN Online: 2231-3354, Frequency: Monthly

Editor in Chief: Prof. Srinivas Mutalik

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Indexed in Scopus [Q2], Cite score: 2.0, SJR: 0.286

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Kalanchoe thrysiflora Harv. and Kalanchoe marmorata Baker, DNA Profiling, biological guided fractionation of different extracts, isolation and identification of cytotoxic compounds

Abdel Nasser Singab, Sherweit El-Ahmady, Rola Milad, Sally Saad

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2012.2838Pages: 215-220

Graphical Abstract

The Synergetic Efficacy of the Combination of Amphotericin B and Certain Essential Oils against Selected Fungal Clinical Isolates

Sherweit El-Ahmady, Mohamed El-Shazly and Rola Milad

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2013.3404Pages: 026-030

Graphical Abstract