ISSN Online: 2231-3354, Frequency: Monthly
Editor in Chief: Prof. Srinivas Mutalik
Indexed in Scopus [Q2], Cite score: 2.0, SJR: 0.286
Ethyl acetate fraction of Calotropis gigantea roots induce apoptosis through increased G2/M and increased expression of caspase-8 in colon cancer WiDr cell line
Roihatul Mutiah, Aty widyawaruyanti, Sukardiman Sukardiman
DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2017.70728Pages: 197-201
Induction of Apoptosis and Phase-Cell Cycle Inhibition of G0-G1, S, G2-M of T47D Breast Cancer Cells on Treatment with Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Jackfruit Parasite Leaves (Macrosolen cochinensis)
Roihatul Mutiah, Christyaji Indradmojo, Hardiyanti Helda Dwi, Tias Pramesti Griana, Anik Listyana, Ria Ramdhani
DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2017.71020Pages: 138-143
Calotropis gigantea Leaf Extract Increases the Efficacy of 5-Fluorouracil and Decreases the Efficacy of Doxorubicin in Widr Colon Cancer Cell Culture
Roihatul Mutiah, Aty Widyawaruyanti, Sukardiman Sukardiman
DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2018.8407Pages: 051-056
Activity of inhibit the cell cycle and induct apoptosis in HeLa cancer cell with combination of Sabrang onion (Eleutherine palmifolia (L.) Merr) and Starfruit Mistletoe (Macrosolen cochinchinensis (Lour.) Tiegh)
Roihatul Mutiah, Anik Listiyana, Arief Suryadinata, Rahmi Annisa, Abdul Hakim, Wirda Anggraini, Retno Susilowati
DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2018.81016Pages: 122-128
Elucidating the active compound profile and mechanisms of Dendrophthoe pentandra on colorectal cancer: LCMS/MS identification and network pharmacology analysis
Roihatul Mutiah, Ermin Rachmawati, Syayida Roisyatus Zahiro, Alvi Milliana
DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2024.152900Pages: 222-231
Comparative metabolite profiling of Eleutherine bulbosa ethanol and water extracts by UPLC-MS/MS and their cytotoxic effects on T47D cells
Roihatul Mutiah, Zawilatul Muzazanah, Rahmi Annisa, Ermin Rachmawati, Avin Ainur Fitrianingsih
DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2024.176492Pages: 052-062