Journal of Applied
Pharmaceutical Science

ISSN Online: 2231-3354, Frequency: Monthly

Editor in Chief: Prof. Srinivas Mutalik

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Indexed in Scopus [Q2], Cite score: 2.0, SJR: 0.286

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Bibliometric analysis of antibacterial activity of Centella asiatica: A study based on Scopus database

Asti Arum Sari, Rima Munawaroh, Eko Naning Sofyanita

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2023.139686Pages: 001-015

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Global research trend related to antidiabetic agent on Nigella sativa: A bibliometric analysis based on Scopus from 1987-2023

Ahmad Azka Mahasin, Asti Arum Sari

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2024.200150Pages: 233-242

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