Alzheimer’s is a type of neurodegenerative disease that is characterized by progressive dementia [1,2]. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) mainly affects elderly people, as 50%–70% of the elderly population suffers from it [3]. The global burden of this disease is growing very fast, and it is estimated that the number of AD patients will double every 20 years, reaching over 66 million in 2030 and 100 million by 2050 [4]. The disease normally has a gradual onset followed by ongoing cognitive loss. Memory loss, confusion, and impairments of cognitive function are some of the first noticeable signs of AD that seriously impair the social or occupational performance of the patients [5–12]. On average, it takes about 8.5 years for a person to die after their first appearance of clinical symptoms [13]. The early symptoms of AD in its preclinical stages include hyperphosphorylated tau (p-tau) aggregation in neurofibrillary tangles, amyloid beta (Aβ) accumulation in senile plaques, and ultimately cell death. The development of Aβ plaques, which are an underlying neuropathology feature of AD, is thought to occur 15–20 years before the clinical presentation of the illness and is followed by the build-up of improperly phosphorylated tau in neurofibrillary tangles [14]. Other metabolic systems, such as neurotransmitter metabolism, lipid synthesis, inflammation, and mitochondrial function, are all disturbed in AD. Amyloid plaques are extracellular hydrophobic deposits of the Aβ peptide and are frequently categorized as diffuse or dense core depending on their morphology and whether they stain positively for dense core or negatively for diffuse core with congo-red or Thioflavin-S, both of which are specific dyes for the conformation of the β-pleated sheet [15]. Dominant mutations in one of the three disease genes (PSEN1, PSEN2, or Amyloid precursor protein (APP)), which are all connected to the production of Aβ, account for 10%–15% of all AD cases. Still, the great majority of sporadic cases have an etiology that is not understood. APP is cleaved by the α-secretase enzyme into α–APP and C–83 in healthy conditions. Additionally, APP can be broken down by the enzymes β and α-secretases to produce the peptides Aβ40 and Aβ42. The Aβ42 species are more likely to assume a beta-sheet shape and can therefore aggregate more easily to oligomers, bigger prefibrillary species, and insoluble plaques. The prefibrillar species are thought to possess neurotoxic qualities. Additionally, the presence of plaques can activate microglia, which in turn triggers the release of excessive amounts of proinflammatory cytokines, promoting the production of Aβ42 by the neurons and causing oxidative damage. The construction and stability of microtubules, a crucial part of the neuronal cytoskeleton, are dependent on the microtubule-associated protein, which has six primary isoforms. Neurofibrillary tangles are made of abnormally p-tau build-up in the brains of AD patients. The accumulation of defective Aβ and tau is assumed to cause the severe loss of neurons or synapses and inflammatory processes in the AD brain [4].
Biomarkers are crucial for improving therapy development and diagnostics in the medical field [16–19]. Eventually, the use of biomarkers in AD could aid in the prediction of disease progression from the asymptomatic stages to full-blown AD [4]. Positron emission tomography (PET), structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and fluoro-deoxy-d-glucose (FDG)-PET measurements of Aβ and tau are the most often employed biomarkers in clinical trials for dementia. However, structural changes detected by MRI are probably present at relatively advanced stages of the illness. PET imaging is somewhat expensive and has restricted availability. In addition, FDG-PET and structural MRI are indirect measurements of the primary pathology indicators of AD (Aβ and tau), which may make them less specific for AD in some circumstances. Biomarkers used in the prognosis and diagnosis of AD have been summarized in Table 1.
Neuroimaging or brain imaging
This technique is used to detect AD in the early stages of progression. [20]. Structural imaging, functional imaging, and molecular imaging are the methods of neuroimaging [21–24].
Structural imaging
This method used MRI and CT scans to detect AD. It gives information about the structure of the brain such as its shape, size, volume, and position of brain tissues. In patients with AD shrinkage of the hippocampus can be seen as an early sign of Alzheimer’s.
Functional imaging
FDG-PET scans are used to check the changes in functions of the brain due to AD. The changes in blood circulation and cell metabolism are detected in this method. A person suffering from AD has a decrease in brain cell activity in some regions. In AD, FDG-PET imaging indicates a decrease in the consumption of glucose by the brain that is required for memory and problem solving
Molecular imaging
This method also uses PET scans to diagnose AD in its early stages to prevent its effect on memory, reasoning, learning, and thinking. FDA-approved four radiopharmaceutical medicinal products used in molecular imaging techniques. These agents are Neuraceq® injection containing Florabetaben, Amyvid® injection containing florbetapir, and Vizamyl® containing flutemetamol used with PET scan to detect beta-amyloid in the brain. Elli Lilly and company got FDA approval for Amyvid® [25] in 2012 as a diagnostic agent. Neuraceq® by Piramal Imaging got FDA approval on 19 March 2014 for PET imaging in the diagnosis of AD [26]. GE Healthcare received FDA approval [27] for Vizamyl® in October 2013 to detect amyloid neuritic plaque density for AD. Eli Lilly and company got FDA approval in 20020 to use Tauvid® containing Flortaucipir to detect tau neurofibrillary tangles in the brain of patients being evaluated for AD [28].
CSF tests
CSF fluid protects the brain and spinal cord from injuries by providing cushioning effects and also supplies nutrients. In the early stages of AD, the CSF level of tau and beta-amyloid changes. CSF tests are very helpful in the diagnosis and detection of AD. Most of the research on AD biomarkers has been done on biological fluids like blood or CSF. The best method for identifying AD biomarkers is using CSF since this fluid directly contacts brain interstitial fluid and more accurately reflects metabolic alterations associated with CNS functions. Aβ (Aβ-42), phosphorylated tau (P-tau), and total tau (T-tau) are CSF biomarkers that are crucial for the diagnosis of AD. An increase in tau and phospho-tau (pTau) and a decrease in Aβ in CSF of AD patients is the most well-known and widely accepted molecular-based tissue fluid diagnostic for AD [29]. FDA has approved Lumipulse G an automated immunoassay to measure the biomarkers in the CSF of Alzheimer patients. Fujirebio Diagnostics, Inc. got FDA approval in May 2022 for Lumipulse G, an in vitro diagnostic test to detect amyloid plaques in CSF for early detection of AD. [30,31]. Another FDA-approved Test of AD is Elecsys® AD CSF assays by Roche. This method includes three assays viz, Elecsys β-amyloid CSF II, Elecsys phospho-Tau CSF, and Elecsys total Tau CSF [32].
Blood tests
Blood tests are used as cheap, easy, and simple diagnostic tools to diagnose a disease. Blood tests are used only in patients with memory complaints. Blood tests may detect tau, beta-amyloid, or other biomarkers before and after the disease. However, in AD blood tests are not approved by FDA [17]. The most encouraging findings to be released so far have examined CSF samples that were taken via lumbar puncture. However, less invasive procedures that analyze proteins in blood or urine may be able to assist primary care doctors in providing their patients with long-term prognostic advice. Nonetheless, a lot of biomarker scientists believe that creating a diagnostic test that is sensitive and specific enough to be applied to urine or plasma samples will be extremely challenging, if not impossible [33].
![]() | Table 1. Biomarkers for AD. [Click here to view] |
AD can have extremely diverse clinical presentations and pathological processes that vary greatly in severity, location, and composition. These variations include the amount and distribution of AB deposition and the spread of neurofibrillary tangles in different brain regions, which can lead to atypical clinical patterns and the emergence of unique AD variants. Variability in AD pathogenesis can adversely affect the diagnosis and treatment of AD. Variability in AD pathogenesis may be due to the presence of genetic, demographic, neuropsychiatric, and comorbidity-related factors [75]. APP processing and the significant amount of Aβ deposition brought on by individual mutations appear to be the primary initiators of the AD process, according to genetic studies of autosomal dominant types of AD. Demographic factors such as age at onset, sex, race, and ethnicity influence the prevalence of AD. 3% of persons between 65% and 74%, 17% of persons between 75% and 84%, and 32% of persons above 85 years of age have AD. A higher prevalence of AD and other dementias is seen in women due to their longer average lifespans than males. There are well-established ethnic and racial disparities in the likelihood of getting Alzheimer-related disorders. Older Black/African Americans are twice as likely to develop Alzheimer-related disorders as older White people and older Hispanic/Latinos are roughly 1.5 times more likely [76,77]. Comorbidities such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, liver diseases, and so on, can increase the risk for AD and add to the heterogeneity of AD. The neuropsychiatric inventory is often used to quantify neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPSs), and it has been suggested that NPS influences both the phenotypic heterogeneity and the rate of progression of AD. There may be biological heterogeneity in the disease as seen by variability in biomarker profiles across persons with dementia and mild cognitive impairment as well as cognitively normal individuals. In AD, blood-based (plasma) and cerebrospinal biomarkers are examples of fluid biomarkers. It is evident from these biomarkers that the pathophysiology of AD is heterogeneous [78].
Despite our knowledge about the amyloid and tau pathology, the complete picture of AD pathophysiology remains elusive. Additionally, to diagnosis, the available biomarkers for AD are ineffective in predicting the course of the illness and cannot be utilized to track patients’ responses to immunotherapy using monoclonal antibodies against Aβ and tau or other currently being tested therapeutic modalities. Finding novel biomarkers that can also be used for these purposes is therefore extremely important. The limited therapeutic value of biomarkers, typically in elderly patients, is due to the extremely invasive (lumbar puncture) method of collecting CSF. This might make it impossible to use it for long-term investigations or clinical progression monitoring, both of which would require frequent CSF samples. The emphasis must be placed on standardizing the testing of these biomarkers due to the high inter-laboratory variation in the observed concentration of these biomarkers. Due to the heterogeneity of AD pathogenesis, potential AD CSF biomarkers should be looked at more thoroughly [13]. Blood-based biomarker assays are less invasive and more cost effective than alternative methods. These strategies are feasible to implement and offer repeated sampling in large cohorts, which makes them potentially superior to other biomarker modalities [13]. However, blood’s complex makeup makes it challenging to employ as a matrix for assessing biomarkers [13]. The enormous dynamic range of proteins in blood is the most difficult of many challenges to the development of blood-based biomarkers. It can be difficult to identify blood changes that are particular to AD since blood changes are frequently very small and represent a wide range of peripheral and central processes. As the brain is separated blood-brain barrier, it is difficult to relate the analytes found in blood and the changes the in brain. However, the BBB gets disrupted with age and increases the brain’s permeability. Therefore, the detection of protein-based biomarkers of AD in the blood is significant. However, blood levels of the most recognized possible biomarkers are far lower than those observed in CSF. For instance, the concentration of Aβ peptide in the blood is 100 times lower than that in CSF. Additionally, the presence of less abundant proteins that may act as potential biomarkers may be concealed by extremely abundant plasma proteins like albumin and IgG [13]. In addition to blood and CSF, other fluids, such as saliva, urine, and tear fluids, have also been studied in a few studies [3]. Analysis of the saliva of AD patients showed increased levels of proteins that are involved in homeostasis, ROS scavenging, neuroprotection, and antibacterial activities in comparison to control [79]. In contrast, proteins involved in gluconeogenesis, complement activation, and lipoprotein metabolism were changed in the urine of AD patients [80]. In the tear fluid, the Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E was present only in samples of AD individuals [81]. It has already been discovered that eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E is elevated in the brain tissues of AD patients, and it may be involved in the mechanisms behind tau hyperphosphorylation [82].
Over the past few years, biomarker advancements have produced intriguing discoveries. Researchers can now monitor the beginning and course of AD, observe changes associated with the condition in living individuals, and assess the efficacy of promising medications and other possible treatments. Furthermore, new disease-modifying therapies for AD are currently being developed or authorized. Clinical trials are focused on individuals with early AD (mild cognitive impairment from AD or early AD dementia) making early AD diagnosis even more crucial. With the understanding of Aβ and tau pathologies and the subsequent discovery of CSF and neuroimaging biomarkers, new diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic options have become available leading to a better redefinition of AD. However, thorough characterization of the targeted biofluid or tissue samples is required for the identification, qualification, and validation of diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers, which demands the use of various approaches and instruments.
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