Open Access DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2012.2327
Pulsatile drug delivery systems are developed to deliver drug according to circadian behavior of diseases. This means that these systems will deliver drug at time when disease display it’s most morbid and mortal state within a circadian cycle (24 hrs.). The product follow a sigmoidal drug release profile characterized by a time period of no release (lag time) followed by a rapid and complete drug release. Thus drug can be delivered at right time, in right amount and at right site of action by use of such approach. The potential benefits of chronotherapeutics have been investigated and established for number of diseases like asthma, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, epilepsy, hypertension, ulcer, hypercholesterolemia etc. Various capsular, osmotic, single and multiple unit systems that are modulated by soluble or erodible polymer coatings, rupturable membranes are available in market. These systems are beneficial for diseases showing chronopharmacological behavior where night time dosing is required or for the drugs having high first pass effect or having site specific absorption in GIT, or for drugs with high risk of toxicity or tolerance. These systems also improve patient compliance by decreasing dosing frequency.