The development of various machine learning algorithms, i.e., naive Bayes classifiers, logistic regression, vector machines, and artificial intelligence systems, have contributed in the revolution of a new drug design which is also supported via in silico molecular docking and simulation, protein structure validation, molecular energy prediction, and virtual screening (Yang et al., 2019a, 2019b). In addition, the rapid development of neural network models due to huge data has improved multiple calibration techniques (Lopes et al., 2019; Schmidt et al., 2019). Furthermore, utilizing a large set of data series, the artificial neural network (ANN) models are adopted to correlate dependent and independent variables (Pasini, 2015).
A basic unit of the neural network comprises an input, hidden, and output layer and is similar to a human neuronal cell (Jothilakshmi and Gudivada, 2016). The input layer connects the hidden layer and transmits the signal, termed as X1, X2, X3, X4..... Xn, with their respective weights W1, W2, W3, W4.....Wn. The weight of each signal represents an input signal as they depend on the function and magnitude of signals. The summation of input signals with their respective weights, i.e., X1 W1 + X2 W2 + X3 W3 + X4 W4 +..... Xn Wn, is processed within the hidden layer and the output is obtained. The concept of the basic node of the neural network can be represented mathematically as y = f (I) = f (b + ∑ni xi. wi), where b = bias, x = input to the neuron, w = weights, n = the number of inputs from the incoming layer, and i = counter from 0 to n and is similar to the human neural system (Figure 1).
A weight represents a connecting link between neurons with a numerical value (Dudek, 2017; Georgevici and Terblanche, 2019) in which the value is directly proportional to the weight. If the value of weight is higher, it may possess an important input signal that can be visualized in the matrix format, as shown in Figure 1.
A bias is a number that helps to understand the situation. This can be explained as if one tries to make a decision, he/she needs to focus on all the possible/observable factors (Dudek, 2017). However, there could be multiple parameters or variables that may not be noticed. These unnoticed parameters or variables are tried to be incorporated in the neural network in terms of bias.
A neuron decides on its output and also makes a tiny decision for its output which is called activation. It can be represented as f (z), where z is the cluster of all inputs and can be categorized as binary, linear, and nonlinear (Dudek, 2017; Georgevici and Terblanche, 2019). Suppose, if an input value is above or below a basal threshold (also considered as a resting state of the neuron), the neuron gets activated and sends a signal to the next layer which is termed as binary activation. This function is limited with the multi-value output; categorization of multiple inputs is not possible with this activation. Therefore, it can be explained as a qualitative analysis as it provides the results as “yes” or “no” (Feng and Lu, 2019).
In linear activation function, inputs are multiplied with respective weights to produce an output signal and are proportional to the input. Unlike binary activation, it provides multiple outputs. Mathematically, it can be explained as if f (z) = z, then f (z) is called linear activation, meaning nothing happens. However, it is limited with two major problems, i.e., it cannot be used in backpropagation to train the model and all the layers are collapsed into one (Feng and Lu, 2019).
Similarly, nonlinear neural activation produces the complex plot between the inputs and outputs to model the complex data. Nonlinear activation addresses the problems associated with linear activation via the backpropagation and creates the deep neural network. Some of the activation functions widely used to produce the complex plot in the ANN include sigmoid, TanH, ReLU, Leaky ReLU, parametric ReLU, softmax, and swish (Feng and Lu, 2019).
ANNs are defined as “digitalized models of the brain” as they are complex; utilize the nonlinear relationship; and the basic anatomy is similar to the human neurons (Zador, 2019). Thus, they have their importance in drug discovery and development with the proper utilization of virtual screening, quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) study, mathematical modeling, pharmacophore identification, in silico molecular docking, and ADMET prediction. Virtual screening may help to predict the biological spectrum of lead molecules (Ekins et al., 2007; Tang and Marshall, 2011). Furthermore, machine learning is also successfully implemented in the discovery of modern medicine based on target identification (gene–disease association, identification of splice variants, and target druggability prediction), compound design (reaction plan, ligand-based drug design), prediction of biomarkers (tissue-specific biomarkers, drug–response signature), and determination of drug response (cellular phenotyping and microenvironment measurement) (Vamathevan et al., 2019). In this regard, Bayesian neural networks can be used to identify the biomolecules that act on the brain and cardiovascular-related pathogenesis. Binding site identification of the receptor can be predicted via the pharmacophore modeling (Huang et al., 2018) in which the active site and its geometry play an important role and can be incorporated to predict molecular surface and create a 2D feature map.
In silico molecular docking also helps to identify the suitable pose of the ligand with its target (Meng et al., 2011). The ligand binds with the given target with some energy or affinity; explained in terms of the kcal/mol for AutoDock tools and also interacts with amino acid residues, i.e., hydrogen bond interactions or pi bond interactions. After docking, different poses of the ligand molecules are obtained from which the pose scoring the lowest binding energy is chosen to identify the ligand–protein interaction. Hence, this confirmation and the binding affinity can be trained in the neural network to identify the regulators of the protein. So, based on the binding energy, the pose with minimum binding energy can be considered as the input signals to the ANN. Furthermore, the ADMET profile also plays an important role in the drug development steps to evaluate the probable pharmacokinetic profile of lead candidates (Morgan, 2011). Multiple in silico tools can be utilized to identify the probable toxicity to assess the probable activity of the biomolecules for ADMET which may be used in predicting the drug sensitivity, chemical-genetic association, assessing the structure–activity relationship via the multiple regression analysis methods using decision trees, principal components, and linear, portal least square, and Gaussian process regression. Likewise, drug–target association and tissue-specific biomarkers can be traced via the classifier methods via natural language processing kernel methods, gradient boosting, Bayesian classifier, nearest neighbor, and discriminant analysis. Additionally, single-cell information, image analysis, and biomarker assessment can help in target druggability via the clustering method through a generative adversarial network, Gaussian mixture, k-means, and hierarchical clustering (Fig. 3)
Due to the ANN efficacy to task concerning the trained dataset, it can self-correct the errors, organize and store the learned information, and compute faster data integration and retrieval (Mandlik et al., 2016). Additionally, ANN can investigate the complex and nonlinear relationship and find the application in various fields including modern drug discovery. Also, they are used in the discriminant and regression data analysis which benefits in screening the huge inhibitor libraries and ligand properties based on pharmacophore features, QSAR, docking outputs, and ADMET profile (Mandlik et al., 2016). However, machine learning needs large data with specific characters like the requirement of the standardized high-dimensional drug–target–disease dataset, comprehensive omics data, successful and unsuccessful metadata from clinical trials, training dataset, compound reaction models, gold standard ADME data, and various protein structures (Vamathevan et al., 2019).
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