Research Article | Volume : 1 Issue : 9, November 2011

Pharmacoepidemiology of drugs utilized in ophthalmic outpatient and inpatient department of a tertiary care hospital

Ashish Gangwar Rashmi Singh Sujata Singh B.D. Sharma   

Open Access   


Periodical auditing of drug utilization is vital for promotion of rational use of drugs. So for pharmacoepidemiological analysis of the drugs, utilized in eye OPD and IPD, a study was conducted prospectively for six months, in the Department of ophthalmology and pharmacology. Data were collected, from the prescription form of patients in OPD and from the bed head tickets of patients in IPD. Various parameters of utilization pattern were evaluated. The maximum number of patients belongs to age group of 46-60 years and lower middle class of socioeconomic status but there was no sex preponderance. Dosage, frequency and duration of therapy were recorded in more than 89% of prescriptions. An average number of drugs per prescription were 2.69 and 3.2; drugs prescribed by their generic names were 26.04% and 35.33%; fixed dose combinations prescribed were 36.98% and 67.29% and polypharmacy found were 23.3% and 11.47% of prescription in OPD and IPD respectively. The commonest dosage forms were eye drops in OPD and injections in IPD. More than 80% of the drugs were prescribed from hospital pharmacy. Average total cost per prescription was 87.40 INR in OPD and 135.80 INR in IPD but it was free of cost from hospital pharmacy.

Keyword:     Pharmacoepidemiology drug utilization OPD IPD

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