The terpenoids forms a group of natural compounds with the great potential to develop the products for disease control. In this study, the monoterpene (S)-(-)-citronellal was evaluated for its antifungal effects. The five Candida albicans strains and five Candida tropicalis strains were used in the study. All the microorganism strains were obtained from the Laboratory of Mycology. The Microdilution method was used for antifungal assay of the monoterpene and the Nistatin (100 UI/mL) was used as standard drug. The results showed that the monoterpene presented MIC50 and MFC50 the values of 256 µg/mL, and 512 µg/mL, respectively for both species of fungi. The obtained results showed activity fungicide against both fungal strains.
deOliveira HMBF, Filho AAO, Lima EO, Júnior JPS. In vitro antiCandida effect of (S)-(-)-citronellal. J App Pharm Sci, 2017; 7 (11): 177-179.