The present study evaluated the antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of the methanol extract of Styrax camporum and S. ferrugineus fruits. Purification of both extracts, which displayed weak antioxidant and cytotoxic activities, resulted in isolation of seven compounds: homoegonol (1), egonol (2), demethoxy egonol-2-methylbutanoate (3), egonol gentiobioside (4), demethoxy egonol (5), demethoxy homoegonol (6), and egonol-2-methylbutanoate (7). XTT cell culture and DDPH assays helped to assess the activity of the pure compounds. Compared to gallic acid at 66.7 µg/mL, the evaluated norneolignans were inactive in the DPPH assay. The cytotoxicity assay revealed that egonol acetate and compound 3 had CC50 of 267.90 and 19.10 µg/mL at 24 h. Compound 3 was also assayed on cancer cells lines (HeLa, MO59J and MCF-7), but it did not reduce the viability of these cells with the same efficiency. Again, the results presented here confirmed that the egonol core is a promising structural feature for anticancer drug research.
Silva TA, Polo EM, Henrique CY, Alves OJA, Nicolella HD, Gimenez VMM, Araújo ARB, Tavares DC, Silva MLA, Cunha WR, Januário AH, Pauletti PM. Styrax camporum and S. ferrugineus fruits: norneolignans, antioxidant and cytotoxic activities. J App Pharm Sci, 2016; 6 (11): 075-080.