Research Article | Volume: 5, Issue: 10, October, 2015

Anti-convulsivant and sedative like-effect of Abyssinone V-4’ methyl ether Isolated from Erythrina droogmansiana (Leguminosae)

TALLA Emmanuel NGATCHA Sidoine NJAPDOUNKE Jacqueline NKANTCHOUA Gisèle YAYA Gbaweng Abel Joël NGO BUM Elisabeth MBAFOR TANYI Joseph NJINTANG YANOU Nicolas   

Open Access   

Published:  Oct 28, 2015

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2015.501001

Erythrina droogmansiana is used in traditional medicine in Cameroon to treat epilepsy, insomnia and headaches. From this plant, many secondary metabolites are extracted including alcaloids, tannins, flavonoids, etc. Amongst the flavonoid, abyssinone V-4’ methyl ether is used in this manipulation. Animal models of epilepsy: pentylenetetrazol (PTZ), picrotoxine (PIC) and pilocarpine (PILO)-induced convulsions or turning behavior were used to evaluate anticonvulsant activity while diazepam-induced sleep test was used to evaluate sedative activity of the extract. Four doses of extracts were used for each group test (12.5, 25, 50 and 100 mg/kg). Abyssinone V-4' methyl ether protected 100% of mice against the convulsions induced by the pentylenetetrazole at the dose of 100 mg/kg. Abyssinone V-4’ methyl ether protected 100% of mice at the doses of 25 and 100 mg/kg and 80% at the doses of 12.5 and 50 mg/kg against generalized convulsions induced by picrotoxine. This flavonoid protected 100% of mice at the doses 25 and 50 mg/kg and 80% at the doses of 12.5 mg/kg against generalized convulsions induced by pilocarpine. Moreover, for the test of induction of convulsions by pilocarpine, Abyssinone V-4’ methyl ether protected 100% of mice at doses of 25 and 50 mg/kg and 71.43% at the doses of 12.5 and 100 mg/kg against death after 1h and 24h respectively. Abyssinone V-4’ methyl ether has anticonvulsivant properties and not sedative properties. These results explain the use of Erythrina droogmansiana to treat epilepsy.

Keyword:     Epilepsy Insomnia Traditional medicine pilocarpine abyssinone V-4’ methyl ether.


TALLA Emmanuel, NGATCHA Sidoine, NJAPDOUNKE Jacqueline, NKANTCHOUA Gisèle, YAYA Gbaweng Abel Joël, NGO BUM Elisabeth, MBAFOR TANYI Joseph, NJINTANG YANOU Nicolas. Anticonvulsivant and sedative like-effect of Abyssinone V-4’ methyl ether Isolated from Erythrina droogmansiana (Leguminosae). J App Pharm Sci, 2015; 5 (10): 001-005.

Copyright:The Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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