Gallic acid: An anticandidal compound in hydrolysable tannin extracted from the barks of Rhizophora apiculata Blume
Lim Sheh Hong, Darah Ibrahim, Jain Kassim, Suraya Sulaiman
Pages: 75-79
Efficacy of pyroligneous acid from Rhizophora apiculata on pathogenic Candida albicans
Darah Ibrahim, Jain Kassim, Lim Sheh-Hong and Wendy Rusli
DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2013.3702Pages: 007-013
Antioxidant, anti-tyrosinase and anti-quorum sensing activities of four mangrove tree species vs. green tea
Eric Wei Chiang Chan, Sin Mei Ng, Bexter Wee Kiong Sim, Huey Chee Tan, Zen Loong Lo
DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2017.70733Pages: 225-229
The cytotoxicity studies of phytosterol discovered from Rhizophora apiculata against three human cancer cell lines
Rahmat Kurniawan, Syaikhul Azis, Sena Maulana, Arif Ashari, Budhi A. Prasetyo, Tati Suhartati, Sukrasno Sukrasno
DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2023.130115Pages: 156-162