Assessment of Patterns of Drug use by using World Health Organization's Prescribing, Patient Care and Health facility indicators in Selected Health Facilities in Southwest Ethiopia

Mulugeta T Angamo, Nasir T Wabe, N. J. Raju

Pages: 62-66

Graphical Abstract

Knowledge, attitude and practice of patient medication counseling among drug dispensers in North West Ethiopia

Nasir T Wabe, N.J. Raju, Mulugeta T Angamo

Pages: 85-90

Graphical Abstract

Antiretroviral Therapy Regimen Change Among HIV/AIDS Patients in Nekemt Hospital: a Primary Care Hospital in Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia

Meseret Wube, Andualem Tesfaye, Segewkal Hawaze

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2013.3807Pages: 036-040

Graphical Abstract

Labeling and Patient Knowledge of Dispensed Drugs as Patient Care Indicators in Adulala Health Center Outpatient Pharmacy, Adulala, Ethiopia

Bikila Midaksa, Fanta Gashe, Messay Wolde-Mariam Anshebo, Raghavendra Yarlagadda

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2015.50909Pages: 045-051

Graphical Abstract