GC-MS analysis and antifungal activity from galls of Guiera senegalensis J.F Gmel (Combretaceae)

Pierre AED Sombié, Kiessoum Konate, Estelle Youl, Ahmed Y Coulibaly, Martin Kiendrébéogo, Muhammad I Choudhary, O G Nacoulma

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2013.31202Pages: 006-012

Graphical Abstract

Bioactive composition, antifungal, antioxidant, and anticancer potential of agarwood essential oil from decaying logs (Gyrinops spp.) of Papua Island (Indonesia)

Asep Hidayat, Maman Turjaman, Ruqoyah Qamyari, Rinaldi Imanuddin, Dudi Tohir, Raden Gunawan Hadi Rahmanto, Arida Susilowati

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2021.1101010Pages: 070-078

Graphical Abstract