Ameliorative Effects of Magnesium and Copper Sulphates on Blood glucose and Serum Electrolytes Levels in Fructose-induced Diabetic Wistar Rats

Tanko Y, Ismail A.S, Mohammed K. A, Eze E.D, Jimoh A, Sada N. M, Muhammad A and Mohammed A

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2013.3730Pages: 160-163

Graphical Abstract

Modulatory role of Magnesium and Copper Sulphates on Serum Lipid profile and Serum Liver Enzymes in Fructose-induced Diabetic Wistar Rats

Tanko Y, Alhassan M, Mohammed K. A, Eze E.D, Jimoh A, Sada N. M, Muhammad A and Mohammed A

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2013.38.S10Pages: S64-S67

Graphical Abstract