Anti-Ulcerogenic Potential of Ficus bengalensis Leaf, Biochemical Parameter & Histopathological Study

Mayank Kulshreshtha, Mradul Goswami, Chandana V. Rao, Vrish D Ashwlayan, Sachdev Yadav

Pages: 65-68

Graphical Abstract

Anti-ulcer potential of Lawsonia inermis l. Leaves against gastric ulcers in rats

Mradul Goswami, Mayank Kulshreshtha, Chandana V. Rao, Sanjay Yadav, Sachdev Yadav

Pages: 69-72

Graphical Abstract

Gastroprotective and anti-secretory effect of Pep-Up Tablet on pyloric ligation-induced gastric ulcer model in rats

Hardik Soni, Sweta Patel, Arindam Paul, Ghanshyam Patel

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2014.40916Pages: 089-092

Graphical Abstract