Virtual screening of co-formers for ketoprofen co-crystallization and the molecular properties of the co-crystal
S. Siswandi, Taofik Rusdiana, Jutti Levita
DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2015.50613Pages: 078-082
Effect of β-oxidation stimulant against metabolic syndrome of saccharin in rat: A behavioral, biochemical, and histological study
Kadry Abd-El kader Moktar El-bakry, Mohammad Hamed Bahnasawy Ayesh, Hekmat Lotfy El-Gammal, Omar Abdel- Hamed Ahmed-Farid, Barga Abou-khzam farag Abou-khzam
DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2021.110106Pages: 061-071