Journal of Applied
Pharmaceutical Science

ISSN Online: 2231-3354, Frequency: Monthly

Editor in Chief: Prof. Srinivas Mutalik

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Indexed in Scopus [Q2], Cite score: 2.0, SJR: 0.286

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Bioactive composition, antifungal, antioxidant, and anticancer potential of agarwood essential oil from decaying logs (Gyrinops spp.) of Papua Island (Indonesia)

Asep Hidayat, Maman Turjaman, Ruqoyah Qamyari, Rinaldi Imanuddin, Dudi Tohir, Raden Gunawan Hadi Rahmanto, Arida Susilowati

DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2021.1101010Pages: 070-078

Graphical Abstract