ISSN Online: 2231-3354, Frequency: Monthly
Editor in Chief: Prof. Srinivas Mutalik
Indexed in Scopus [Q2], Cite score: 2.0, SJR: 0.286
Phytochemical screening and evaluation of biological activity of Calligonum polygonoides L. subsp. comosum
Hayam S. Ahmed, Abeer S. Moawad, Asmaa I. Owis, Sameh F. AbouZid, Rehab F. Abdel-Rahman
DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2015.510.S4Pages: 022-026
Isolation of catechins from Cycas armstrongii Miq. of an Egyptian origin
Ahmed Ismail, Mohamed M. Radwan, Hossam M. Hassan, Abeer S. Moawad, Mona H. Hetta
DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2021.110119Pages: 158-162