Health warnings on cigarette packages are the widespread means of communicating the health threats of smoking. On the other hand, a small number of investigations have estimated the force of package cautions on customer information about tobacco harm threats. The ultimate goal of the research was to analyze the knowledge of smokers and non smokers in the region of Bahawalpur City of the country Pakistan that it is no longer a significant public health problem for our nation. Active and Passive smoking is very common in that region of country Pakistan. A questioner survey was carried out with 611 adult smokers and non-smokers from the region of Bahawalpur City. Volunteers were asked to state whether they supposed smoking is the reason of heart disease, stroke, impotence, lung cancer in smokers. Volunteers were also asked whether the following chemicals are present in cigarette smoke such cyanide, arsenic & carbon monoxide. Volunteers were also asked whether the warning labels reflected that tobacco products are hazardous and whether the warning labels are useful in quitting smoking. Different parameters also were also included like why it is difficult to quit smoking. Smokers in the Bahawalpur city showed major space in their information of the threats of smoking. Smokers who observed that cautions were considerably more likely to support health cautions, counting lung cancer and heart disease. Not much people were satisfied with the contents of warning labels in Pakistan and images played a important role in quieting smoking. Cigarette pack should contain big prints warning label, at both sides in more than one languages and should contain pictures. It is concluded that Smokers are fairly informed about the risks of smoking. Warnings that are graphic, larger, and more comprehensive in content are more effective in communicating the health risks of smoking.
Saeed Ahmad, Farhan Hameed Khaliq, Zara Mushtaq, Muhammad Asad Ullah Madni, Sajid Irshad and Umar Shaukat. Assessment of Impact of Cigarette Cautionary Labels in Warning People about the Smoking Hazards: Survey in Smokers and Non-smokers of Bahawalpur region. J App Pharm Sci, 2013; 3 (06): 121-125.