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Resistance to diseases or immunity against diseases is of two kinds i.e. the one which attenuate the manifested disease and other variety prevents the manifestation of diseases. During certain conditions, or due to certain factors, even unwholesome food does not produce diseases immediately. All unwholesome food articles are not equally harmful, all dosas are not equally powerful, and all persons are not capable of resisting diseases. Over obese individual; over emaciated person; whose muscles and blood are diminished markedly; debilitated person; one who consumes unwholesome food; one who consumes less amount of food; whose mental faculties are weak; on the other hand, individuals having opposite type of physical constitution are capable of resisting diseases. Factors which contribute for vyadhikshamatva are normal dosa, equilibrium state of dhatu, normal agni, patency of srotas etc. or factors which supports the equilibrium state of all physiological parameters. Innate immunity may be correlated to sahaja bala described in Ayurveda. Kalaja anad yuktikrita bala may be correlated to acquired immunity. Present article through light on the concept of immunity vis-a vis vyadhiksamatwa. Author has collected many references regarding how to enhance immunity and keep body disease free by adopting ayurvedic principles.