Open Access DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2012. 21231
Scopoletin (1), a coumarin derivative compound has been isolated from methanol extract of Macaranga gigantifolia Merr. leaves using chromatography methods. Chemical structure determination carried out based on spectroscopic data and compared with a reference. Scopoletin cytotoxicity test using MTT assay method against P-388 murine leukemia cells showed strong cytotoxic activity with IC50 17.42 μg/mL.
Akhmad Darmawan, Soleh Kosela, Leonardus B.S. Kardono, and Yana M. Syah., Scopoletin, a coumarin derivative compound isolated from Macaranga gigantifolia Merr. J App Pharm Sci. 2012; 2 (12): 175-177.