Research Article | Volume: 2 Issue: 9, September, 2012

14, 15-epoxygeranylgeraniol and extracts isolated from Pterodon emarginatus Vog. fruits: antitumor activity on glioblastoma cells

Daiane Hansena b Adriana Miti Nakahatac Mitsue Haraguchib Oswaldo Keith Okamotoc Edlayne Gonçalezb and Antonio Alonsoa   

Open Access    DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2012.2904


Plant-derived substances have traditionally played important roles in the treatment of human diseases, including of great significance to cancer therapy. Plants of the genus Pterodon (Fabaceae, Leguminosae), commonly known as ‘sucupira’, are disseminated throughout the central region of Brazil and have been used frequently in popular medicine. In recent years, interest in these plants has increased considerably. The biological effects of their extracts and pure metabolites have been investigated in several experimental models in vivo and in vitro. Until the present day, the antitumor effect of Pterodon plants on brain tumors is unknown. Therefore, the aim of this work was to investigate the action of P. emarginatus Vogel extracts and its fractions on glioblastoma cells. The hexane (HE), dichloromethane (DE) and ethanol (EE) extracts were obtained from seeds powder in each solvent. The diterpene 14,15-epoxygeranylgeraniol was obtained from HE fractionation. For tumorigenic assays, the extracts and fractions were added to U87MG, a human glioblastoma cells line. The cell viability assay showed that the proliferation of U87MG was inhibited by both extracts and the 14,15-epoxygeranylgeraniol. Further trials in vivo will help to confirm these results, and may contribute to generate natural compounds for the treatment of this type of cancer.

Keyword:     1415-epoxygeranylgeraniolsucupiraPterodonantitumorglioblastoma cellsmedicinal plants.


Daiane Hansen, Adriana Miti Nakahata, Mitsue Haraguchi, Oswaldo Keith Okamoto, Edlayne Gonçalez and Antonio Alonso. . 14, 15-epoxygeranylgeraniol and extracts isolated from Pterodon emarginatus Vog. fruits: antitumor activity on glioblastoma cells. J App Pharm Sci. 2012; 2(9): 020-024.

Copyright:The Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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