The biotechnological and microbiological aided pharmaceutical advances illustrate their application for the development and discovery of drugs. This is a fast growing field of science, facilitates the rapid discovery of novel therapeutic drugs. The development of drugs based on bioformulations in the form of DNA vaccines, antibodies and nucleic acid products can be achieved through DNA manipulations and microbiological interventions. Pharmaceutical industries are making collaborations with scientists working on molecular biology and genetic engineering for the production of marketed bioformulations by utilization of biotechnological principles. The designing of more effective protein based drugs using RDT (Recombinant DNA technology) and Bioinformatics pave the novel ways for the drug discovery and development.The modern era of pharmaceuticals is based on the more effective and stable therapeutic proteins. Recent bioinformatics techniques like homology modeling and protein ligand docking facilitates the computer aided drug designing for the development of more effective protein based drugs. The production of therapeutic proteins at large scale the recombinant DNA technology is more favorable that can include the extensive microbiological expertise. The extraction of DNA of interest, application of cloning vector and transformation into suitable host bacterial cell to obtain proteins at large scale and in the pure form are very important aspects of pharmaceutical biotechnology.
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