Low back pain (LBP) is a sharp or dull sensation resulting from muscular stiffness in the back. The symptom appears whether isolated in the back area or radiates to the lower limbs (ischialgia) (Al-Salameen et al., 2019). LBP is the second most common reason for doctor visits after headaches. LBP impacts 30%–40% of people each year, and 75%–85% of them will experience back pain at some point in their lives (Gerayeli et al., 2017). Accordingly, LBP is a widespread public health issue in developing countries such as Indonesia. In two decades, LBP was also linked to a 52% increase in living with disability and is responsible for adding disease burden and medical cost. Acute LBP affects nearly 80% of adults, while chronic LBP affects 23% (Cieza et al., 2020; Hoy et al., 2014; Wu et al., 2020).
Various methods are applied to reduce the symptoms of LBP, including the early return of regular physical activity (excluding heavy lifting), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), physical therapy, support belts, and surgery (Gerayeli et al., 2017; Laudahn and Walper, 2001; Stam et al., 2001). Physicians and patients prefer to use NSAIDs to reduce pain in LBP due to their effectiveness. However, NSAIDs also have many shortcomings reported, including limited long-term efficacy, tolerance issues, and other side effects (Sreekeesoon and Mahomoodally, 2014; Verkamp et al., 2013). Concerning this issue, the community, especially in Asian countries, has used natural remedies for pain management and treatment for generations (Sreekeesoon and Mahomoodally, 2014). Previous studies showed that people with LBP widely use herbal medicine (Foster et al., 2018). Several factors influence people to choose herbal medicine, including psychosocial considerations, ethnic and cultural aspects, accessibility to healthcare resources, and individual perceptions of physical and medical conditions (Yoon and Kim, 2013). Furthermore, the authorities have also produced guidelines that recommend several complementary and alternative medicines for LBP treatment in recent years.
Indonesia has unique flora and fauna that complete its cultural and ethnic diversity (Sreekeesoon and Mahomoodally, 2014). These ethnic groups occupy particular areas in the country. Every ethnic group has its way of life and traditions, including food, medicinal plants, and spices. It is also significantly skilled in using and conserving organic and ecological diversity (Walujo, 2008). For example, the management of LBP in each ethnic group might have different characteristics. The local community uses medicinal plants to treat diseases mainly because of the limitation of health facility access. The indigenous knowledge of using medicinal plants most likely has been passed down from generation to generation (Yaseen et al., 2015). This approach has managed to keep knowledge alive until now. Hence, local knowledge of medicinal plants has always been a source of research to test the effects of plants and develop new therapeutic resources (Bolson et al., 2015).
Ethnobotany research can reveal the indigenous knowledge of communities or ethnic groups, including their resource management and plant ecology. The research result should provide information on essential plant species, conservation potential and function, and impacts on ethnobotany and economics (Batoro and Ekowati, 2017). Another approach aims to use traditional practices in the formal health system. Hence, an ethnopharmacology study can help collect primary data on traditional remedies used by the community. There are several ethnomedicinal plants for treatment of rheumatism (LBP) that have been reported in other countries like Ezhilvalavan et al. (2015), Som (2021), Paudyal et al. (2021), and Ushashee (2021), Mandal and Mahalik (2021), but nothing has been done in Indonesia.
Ethnopharmacology assessments of medicinal plant species are essential for the conservation and protection of and are helpful in developing herbal drugs (Vitalini et al., 2013). The objective of this study was to assess information on the plant species that traditional healers have used to treat LBP in Sumatra, Indonesia. We collected data on preparatory procedures and the delivery of herbal remedies to document traditional healing methods of LBP. This research can help protect the medical knowledge of indigenous peoples and provide baseline data for future research.
The area of study
Sumatra is an Indonesian island in the Malay Archipelago, the second largest (after Borneo) of the Greater Sunda Islands. It is the world’s sixth-biggest and most significant island within the Indonesian territory (480,847.74 km2) (Badan Pusat Statistik, 2021). The Strait of Malacca separates it from the Malay Peninsula in the northeast, and the Sunda Strait separates it from Java in the south. North Sumatra (Sumatera Utara), Jambi, Riau, West Sumatra (Sumatera Barat), South Sumatra (Sumatera Selatan), Bengkulu, and Lampung—along with the autonomous province of Aceh—are divided into seven propinsi (or provinsi; provinces) (Britannica, 2017).
Data collection
The ethnopharmacological field study was conducted in 2012, 2015, and 2017. Before the interview, each informant gave agreement in verbal informed consent. The key informants and respondents were interviewed in a semi-structured questionnaire. The mentioned medicinal plants were collected for herbarium specimens, and the survey approach determined habitat was done in the field. The questions in the interview were asked to understand traditional uses of medicinal plants, including information on the name of the local plant, the parts of the plant used, and the method of preparation and administration. Taxonomic identification was performed to validate the samples collected during the interviews. A herbarium was also set up to obtain dry specimens that could be used to support taxonomic identification. On the other hand, the herbarium method was only used for unknown species (Jadid et al., 2020). Plants species with unknown scientific names were identified at Herbarium Tawangmanguensis to discover their names.
The survey selected ethnic groups with at least 1,000 individuals living on the local community’s island. The following consideration was if they still have indigenous healing knowledge and live in places with limited access to health services (Mustofa et al., 2021). The Ethics Commission of the Ministry of Health’s National Institute of Health Research and Development approved the protocol and informed consent forms (LB.02.01/5.2/KE.318/2015 and LB.02.02/2/KE.107/2017). The informants were given full facts about the current study and its goals, and they were free to withdraw at any point.
Data analysis
In this research, several quantitative value indexes were measured to find the importance of medicinal plants. The first index is the relative frequency of citation (RFC), which is calculated by dividing a frequency of citation (FC) (the number of respondents who mention the species use) by the total number of respondents in the survey (N). This index ignores the variable use category. It ranges from zero to one. The value of zero indicated that no one thinks the plants are useful, while the value of one meant that everyone thinks they are useful (Mosaddegh et al., 2012).
Use value (UV) was used to assess the ethnobotanical data. UV indicates the relative importance of plants that are known in the area. The following formula was used to calculate it (Phillips et al., 1994):
UV is the use value of a species, “U” is the number of use reports stated by each informant for a specific plant species, and “N” is the total number of informants questioned for a particular plant species. UV is used to identify the most commonly used plants (most frequently advised) in treating a disease.
Family use value (FUV) was used to determine the number of informants who used specific species from a given family. It was determined using the following equation:
The FUV and UV readings above a certain threshold suggest that species were commonly utilized as medications. UVs were used to represent the UVs of all the species in a specific family. Ns denotes the total number of species in a family (Hoffman and Gallaher, 2007)
The informant citation factor (ICF) is produced using the formula below to assess the agreement amongst informants about which plants to utilize for various use categories (Mosaddegh et al., 2012). The ICF describes informants’ understanding of medicinal plant consuming species and assesses diversity in use against ailments stated. Ailments are widely classified into distinct groups before the ICF value is calculated. The highest ICF value, close to 1, shows that most local communities employ well-known species because of their disease authenticity. However, a low ICF score near 0 indicates that the informants use the plants for random diseases (Umair et al., 2017). The ICF value was calculated using the following formula:
Characteristics of the traditional healer
The results of the field surveys are compiled in this section. Traditional healers have an average of 28 years of experience practicing traditional medicine, and they have an average monthly patient load of approximately 87 individuals. Many traditional healers have never obtained formal schooling or completed elementary and junior high school. Half of the informants were > 60 years old (elder group). There were only 3.3% of traditional practitioners from the younger group. The previous study revealed that most informants were uneducated because of the unavailability of educational facilities in the area (Yaseen et al., 2015). In this study, only a few have completed some higher education, despite being literate. The majority of those who took part had completed their primary or secondary education.
The majority of informants have been practicing for at least 28 years. The amount of time a traditional healer has been practicing impacts his ability to diagnose and treat diseases. Meanwhile, many patients in a month indicate that the surrounding community believes in the traditional healer’s quality and skills. The more qualified the traditional healers are, the more reliable the data used in ethnopharmacology research is (Peng et al., 2015).
The herbal healers in the study region used medicinal plants alone or in combination to treat various illnesses. Rural people’s reliance on herbal treatments may be attributed to their lack of access to modern healthcare facilities and services. The elders chose herbal medications over allopathic drugs because they believed in the benefits of herbs. In addition, they believe in sharing their knowledge for the sake of human happiness. Even though Western medicine is available, many individuals still choose traditional herbal remedies (Somashekhara et al., 2015).
Pharmaceutical preparation
In this study, the preparation method of herbal medicine was categorized into oral, topical, and inhalation preparation. As seen in Figure 2, the most common preparation technique was topical preparation. Ethnomedical research in Sumatra shows that traditional healers used 68 plant species to treat LBP. Many therapeutic preparations are made by topical preparation, a common approach. The most commonly used parts of the plant were the leaves (30%), followed by roots (21%), rhizomes (17%), fruits (12%), stems (7%), seeds (6%), tubers (4%), bark (2%), and others (1%) (Fig. 3). Other studies also came up with similar results. The leaves are the primary photosynthetic organs containing photosynthates with therapeutic properties. Compared to roots, and fruits, collecting leaves and then using them as medicine is relatively simple. Another rationale for employing leaves could be for plant conservation, as taking out roots could cause the plant to die, putting the species in serious trouble (Dey et al., 2014). Bradacs et al. (2011) and Leto et al. (2013) mentioned leaves as a standard plant part in herbal medicine used by Islanders and Italians. It has been claimed that using leaves rather than whole plants, roots, and stems might increase the survivability of medicinal plants collected by herbalists, which may pose a severe threat to local flora (Dey et al., 2014).
![]() | Figure 1. The map of Sumatra Island. [Click here to view] |
![]() | Figure 2. The proportion of oral and topical herbal medicine preparation for low back pain. [Click here to view] |
![]() | Figure 3. The proportion of plant parts used. [Click here to view] |
Diversity of medicinal plants and their relative importance in the treatment of LBP
Table 1 shows the information on botanical name, family, plant part used, and relative importance of plants for the treatment of LBP in Sumatra, Indonesia. Their taxonomic group and family determine medicinal plants’ scientific and common names. was used to double-check all of the Latin scientific and families’ terms. In this study, 68 plant species were identified for LBP, which belonged to 32 families. Only the local name was recorded for 49 of the 68 species. Kaempferia galanga L. was the most widely used species, with four use reports from 90 informants, yielding a usage value of 0.04. Citrus aurantiifolia (Christm.) Swingle, Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour.) Spreng, and Zingiber purpureum Roscoe came in second with three use reports each (UV = 0.03). The next rank was occupied by Celosia argentea L., Allium cepa L., Crinum asiaticum L., Fragraea fragrans Roxb., Tinospora crispa (L.), Imperata cylindrica (L.), Oryza sativa L., Nauclea sp., Curcuma domestica Val., and Zingiber zerumbet (L.) Roscoe ex Sm. (UV = 0.02). We also listed toxic plants to discourage the public from using harmful plants, even though locals utilize them to treat various diseases from the survey. The toxic plants are Datura metel L. and Solanum rudepannum. It has been noted that plant species with powerful bioactive chemicals are frequently labeled as both toxic and therapeutic, with the outcome varying depending on the medicine production and administration (Umair et al., 2017). In another study, 25% of medicinal plant users knew nothing about poisonous plants (Eddouks et al., 2002).
In a few cases, the pharmacological effects of medicinal plants mentioned in this study have been confirmed by published data. More research about their chemical composition, pharmacological effects, and toxicity will be required to verify the plant materials’ medical value. Furthermore, animal models must be used to evaluate the cellular and molecular mechanisms of the recorded plants, and thorough information on their use, duration, and dose must be explored before prescription in human healthcare (Eddouks et al., 2002). For example, fever, hemiplegia, rheumatism, arthritis, headaches, earache, muscle discomfort, respiratory illnesses, and digestive problems are treated using the Justicia gendarussa Burm’s leaf in Indian and Chinese traditional medicine (Paval et al., 2009). Still, in this study, these plants had a low UV level.
As presented in Figure 4, we discovered that the informants use 90 medicinal plants from 32 families to treat LBP. The most used family was Zingiberaceae with FUV 0.20, followed by Lamiaceae and Poaceae with FUV 0.09 each, Amaryllidaceae (0.06), Rutaceae (0.06), Arecaceae (0.03), Menispermaceae (0.03), Solanaceae (0.03), Amaranthaceae (0.02), Compositae (0.02), Euphorbiaceae (0.02), Gentianaceae (0.02), Musaceae (0.02), Myristicaceae (0.02), Rubiaceae (0.02), and others with FUV 0.01. The Zingiberaceae family was the most well represented among the 90 plant species found, followed by Lamiaceae and Poaceae, with 10 species mentioned. Many medicinal plants are members of the Lamiaceae family, used for their rich and aromatic essential oils, primarily monoterpenes (Abe and Ohtani, 2013).
There is just one ICF for treating LBP because this study focused on a specific disease. The ICF for medicinal plants to treat LBP was 0.25. The factor represents the degree of shared knowledge among informants about using medicinal plants to treat a specific condition. When plants are chosen randomly, and little or no information is shared among informants, ICF values are low (around 0). If specific criteria have been well defined and information has been well shared, the ICF approaches one (1) (Ferrier et al., 2015; Jaradat et al., 2016; Mustofa et al., 2021; Yaseen et al., 2015). The factor discovered in this study was graded as low. The ICF was assigned low (ranges from 0.0 to 0.3), moderate (ranges from 0.31 to 0.60), and high (ranges from 0.61 to 1.0) values (Achar et al., 2015).
![]() | Table 1. The diversity of medicinal plants for treatment of LBP in Sumatra, Indonesia, along with quantitative values. [Click here to view] |
![]() | Figure 4. The Diversity of Famili Use value (FUV) of medicinal plants for treatment LBP in Sumatra. [Click here to view] |
Several properties of the most cited medicinal plants for treatment of LBP
Kaempferia galanga
Analgesic activity of K. galanga extract is the main activity to be applied for LBP. Based on the pain models employed in this work, its activity presumably mediated peripherally and centrally via the nervous system. In the hot plate and tail-flick tests, naloxone reversed the extract’s antinociceptive effect, demonstrating that it works via opioid-mediated processes. Kaempferia galanga extract may bind to opioid receptors. These findings suggest the potential folk medicine usage of K. galanga as an antinociceptive remedy (Ridtitid et al., 2008). Other results reported the traditional use of K. galanga in treating inflammation. The anti-inflammatory activity of ethyl-p-methoxycinnamate from K. galanga is mediated by inhibition of cyclooxygenase enzymes 1 and 2 (Umar et al., 2012). The in vivo analgesic efficacy of the alcoholic K. galanga extract was investigated in Wistar rats using the hot plate method and the tail-flick model. According to the findings, the alcohol extract significantly increased the stress tolerance capacity of rats at doses of 1,200 and 600 mg/kg BW for 60 minutes using the hot plate method and 30 minutes via the tail-flick model (Khairullah et al., 2021).
Kaempferia galanga extract has the same efficacy as meloxicam administration to treat the symptoms and indications of knee OA. These findings suggest K. galanga extract may help with pain relief (Syahruddin et al., 2017).
Citrus aurantium
Citrus aurantium L. blossoms essential oil (neroli) has biologically active constituents that have significant activity against acute and especially chronic inflammation and central and peripheral antinociceptive effects, which supports the ethnomedicinal claims of the plant’s use in the management of pain and inflammation (Khodabakhsh et al., 2015).
Curcuma sp.
Curcuma roots are used to make turmeric spice. Curcumin, a polyphenol extract of turmeric, is widely known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Curcuma’s anti-inflammatory effect has various pathways. Inflammatory mediators such as interleukin-1, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, IL-8, Nitric oxide (NO), and a variety of Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are strongly inhibited by Curcuma via reducing the activation of the Nuclear Factor-kappa B (NF-B), Akt, and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathways.
Curcuma extracts and curcumin have recently been researched for their antiarthritic properties. Over four weeks, C. domestica patients had lower Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) scores than ibuprofen patients. According to Kuptniratsaikul et al. (2009), curcumin had similar efficacy but more excellent safety and fewer side effects than diclofenac. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled research examined highly bioavailable curcumin (Theracurmin) effects on knee OA. After eight weeks, Theracurmin reduced Visual Analog Scale (VAS) scores for knee pain and celecoxib dependence relative to placebo, but not Japanese Knee Osteoarthritis Measure (JKOM) scores. Curcuminoids (curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, and bisdemethoxycurcumin) coupled with diclofenac exhibited superior pain relief and functional capability in individuals with knee OA (Lindler et al., 2020).
These medicinal plants are significant in any herbal formula because approximately one-fourth of the biologically active plant-derived compounds currently in use worldwide were discovered through research of folk and ethnomedicinal services (Biswajit et al., 2014). In general, drug development research might be employed to extract and describe the bioactive chemicals responsible for these species’ usage to treat LBP.
The properties of the most cited medicinal plant for the treatment of LBP are K. galanga, C. aurantium, and Curcuma sp. However, they are chosen randomly, and little or no information is shared among informants. Nonetheless, to acquire a better knowledge of the function of herbal medicine in the treatment of LBP in Sumatra, more research that spans a larger area and diverse population groups is needed. Pharmacological screening of medicinal plants should be evaluated, particularly those commonly referenced and used safely.
The authors are very much thankful to the National Institute of Health Research and Development for supporting data. Thanks are also due to the RISTOJA Team, PPI for Medicinal Plant and Traditional Medicines Research and Development Center.
The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest in this article’s research, writing, or publishing.
All authors made substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; took part in drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; agreed to submit to the current journal; gave final approval of the version to be published; and agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work. All the authors are eligible to be an author as per the international committee of medical journal editors (ICMJE) requirements/guidelines.
There is no funding to report.
All data generated and analyzed are included within this research article.
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The Ethics Commission approved the protocol and informed consent forms of the Ministry of Health’s National Institute of Health Research and Development. The informants were given full facts about the current study and its goals, and they were free to withdraw at any point. The study’s ethical approval codes were LB.02.01/5.2/KE.318/2015 and LB.02.02/2/KE.107/2017.
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