Medication reconciliation is a system for identifying drug discrepancies at different point of transition to prevent medication errors and adverse drug events. This study aimed to identify discrepancies in patients receiving and not receiving medication reconciliation and to evaluate the effectiveness of the medication reconciliation process. This was an observational cohort study. Patients who transferred from the emergency room to pediatric and internal wards Dr. Margono Soekarjo Hospital (n = 224) were arbitrarily grouped to 1) patients receiving medication reconciliation, and 2) not receiving medication reconciliation. Both groups were followed to compare medication data and reconciliation process. The result showed that 185 discrepancies were found in 139 (62%) patients who received reconciliation. Of these, 78% discrepancies were resolved by reconciliation. Meanwhile, there were found 140 discrepancies in 85 (37.9%) patients who did not receive reconciliation. All of it could not be resolved. There was a significant difference of discrepancies (p < 0.001) before and after reconciliation. There was also a significant difference in a number of discrepancies (p < 0.001) between reconciliation and non-reconciliation group. Reconciliation is beneficial to reduce discrepancies. Selection criteria of patients should be made when the health professionals performing reconciliation are limited.
Sholihat NK, Hanifah A, Puspaningtyas MD, Maharani L, Utami ED. Medication Reconciliation as a Tool to Reduce Medication Discrepancy. J App Pharm Sci, 2018; 8(05): 115-118.
Medication reconciliation practices in Gulf Cooperation Council countries: A review
Alaa Ahmad Farajallah, Hadzliana Zainal, Subish PalaianUse of nonprescription medications by the general public in the Klang Valley
S.S. Chua, N.H. SabkiCommunity Pharmacy/Hospital Based Assessment of Clinical Pharmacist Intervention for Safe and Effective Drug Use
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