Psoriasis results in expenses to patients from many cost sources. Psoriasis treatment may result in considerable time and travelling costs, yet many studies fail to account for these costs. The objective of this study was to evaluate the economic burden of psoriasis in patients.Methods: The study was based on 200 patients with psoriasis visiting a tertiary level dermatological clinic. The data was based on a patient questionnaire and clinical data from the medical records. Item costs were based on true costs charged from the patients and all time cost estimates were done.Results: 200 patients with psoriasis were included in the study. Total costs were higher for patients receiving phototherapy than those receiving systemic treatment. The majority of the visit costs arose from hospitalization and only a small proportion were attributed to outpatient visits.Conclusion: Visit charges and other patient investigations were estimated to play a minor role in the total cost of psoriasis incurred by patients, while travel costs and loss of pay comprised the majority of the costs, which should not be omitted in future studies regarding costs of treatments.
Satheendran S, Nagappa AN, Rajan S, Pai S. Cost of illness in psoriasis patients on Bath PUVA therapy versus Methotrexate. J App Pharm Sci, 2016; 6 (11): 059-062.