In view of pharmaceutical applications, the density (ρ) and refractive index (nD) of antiemetic metoclopramide hydrochloride monohydrate (MHM) drug in aqueous, aqueous-DMSO and DMSO solutions were measured at 303.15 K in the wide range of concentration of drug. Apparent molar volumes (φv) were calculated from density data and fitted to the Masson relation to determine partial molar volume (φ°v) of drug. Overall, strong drug-solvent interactions with significant structural changes in pure and mixed solvents have been confirmed.
Santosh D. Deosarkar, Rajendrakumar T. Sawale, Tukaram M. Kalyankar. Investigation of Volumetric and Optical Properties of Anti-Emetic Metoclopramide Hydrochloride Drug in AqueousDimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) Solutions At 303.15 K. J App Pharm Sci, 2015; 5 (05): 013-017.
Hematological and biochemical studies on Parquetina nigrescens root extract in albino rats
B.V. Owoyele, O.T. Oyelowo, S.A. Biliaminu, O.N. Alaran, S.A. Alimi, R.S. SaliuStudies Involving a Commercial Extract of Three Ballerina: ii- Evaluation of the in Vitro Effect on the Labeling of Blood Constituents of rats with Technetium-99m and on the Morphology of the Red Blood Cell
Causality Assessment of Suspected Adverse Drug Reaction with Anti-Tubercular Therapy by WHO Probability Scale
S. Yadav, K.K. Pillai, P. Kapur