Evaluation of hypoglycaemic activity of ethyl acetate and n-butanol fractions of Acacia nilotica on alloxan induced diabetic Wistar rats has been investigated. Two doses of the ethylacetate fraction 50 and 100 mg/kg was administered. As regard to 50mg/kg caused a significant (P
Tanko Y., Muhammad A., Elaigwu, J Mohammed K.A., Jimoh, A., Sada,N.M., M.K Dallatu, Yerima M and Mohammed A., Antidiabetic Effects of Ethyl acetate and n-Butanol Fractions of Acacia nilotica methanol Extract on Alloxan - Induced Diabetic Wistar rats., J App Pharm Sci, 2013; 3 (11): 089-093.
Evaluation of anti-diarrheal and anti-diabetic activities of the stem, barks and leaves of the plant Vernonia cinerea (Family: Asteraceae)
Hypoglycemic activity of methanolic extract of Tectona grandis linn. Root in alloxan induced diabetic rats
Acute Toxicity and in-vivo Effects of Leaf Extracts of Byrsocarpus Coccineus Shum & Thonn in Pregnant Rat Uterus