Development and Validation of LC-APCI-MS Method for the Estimation of Ellagic acid in Fresh and Processed Fruit Products
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In vivo, In vitro anti-arthritic studies of Ellagic acid from Kirganelia reticulata Baill and its molecular docking
Shruthi SD, Sujan Ganapathy PS, Rakesh Kumar, Shivakumara, Dharshan JC and Ramachandra YL
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Antinociceptive, anti-gastric ulcerogenic and anti-inflammatory activities of standardized egyptian pomegranate peel extract
Rola Milad Labib, Sherweit Hamed El-Ahmady
DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2015.50109Pages: 048-051
Evaluation of anticonvulsant effects of stem bark of Anogeissus latifolia (Roxb.) in mice
Vikas Chandra Sharma, Atul Kaushik
DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2018.81110Pages: 069-074